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Liposuction is a method of vacuum extraction of excess oil tissues in some parts of the body, resulting in smoother body lines. This allows the body to be more proportionate by removing the oils from the areas where these stubborn fat deposits are present. Liposuction is not a weakening surgery, but a contouring surgery.

The success of surgery in liposuction depends on the elasticity of the patient’s skin, weight, and what he expects from surgery. You shouldn’t think of this surgery as a miraculous method of weakening. With drills and tight diets, there is a reduction in the volume of fat cells in the body, and there is no reduction in the number of fat cells. Liposuction surgeries reduce the number of fat cells by removing fat cells from the body.

Which areas are liposuction applied?
The abdomen, waist, hip, basin, knee, ankle, arms, breast, face, and tickle liposuction are areas where oil can be removed.

Who can be liposuction?
The patient group, best suited for liposuction surgery, is patients who weigh a little closer to their ideal weight or slightly higher than the ideal weight but are accumulating fat in some parts of the body that cannot be removed by diet or exercise (especially in the hip, based, abdomen and lumbar areas).

Having a tight, elastic skin structure affects the result, whether or not the patient is smoking.

Is liposuction a permanent result?
The result is permanent if the patient maintains their weight. In the event of weight gain in the following periods, this regional surplus will not be the same.

How long is the operating time?
Liposuction surgery varies between 1-and 3 hours, depending on the size of the operating site and the processing process. Surgery is performed either locally or under general anesthesia, depending on the areas to be lubricated.

How is the Operate Done?
Liposuction surgery is surgery with vacuum devices using cannulas of different sizes. There are no obvious marks as these cannulas are made with mm-sized cuts that can be entered. Techniques such as laser liposuction, Vaser liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction, age (by liquid), and dry liposuction are available. Vaser Liposuction is preferred in our hospital and is applied to our patients.

What are the points to be considered during the post-op period?
You don’t get a lot of pain after surgery. Mild pain is corrected by painkillers. Patients are usually discharged on the same day or one day. it is possible to return to work within 2-3 days.

There could be swelling and bruising during the period after the surgery. It usually gets better in 2 weeks. However, all the swelling in the operating area will be dislocated and the site will be in its final shape within approximately 6-12 months. During this time, massage treatment and some other treatments may be applied for support.

It is appropriate to use a corset for 1 month after the surgery to ensure effective results.

It is useful to pay attention to diet and exercise during the post-op period. If you continue to eat too much, it is important to remember that you can put on weight again in other parts of the body, even if you don’t have the same places you used to eat. However, in the case of weight gain, areas that are not made with liposuction areas will gain weight proportionally.

What are the complications that can be seen after liposuction?
In liposuction surgeries, there is a rare case of oil embolism. Early post-op mobilization is recommended to the patient to prevent this situation that poses a vital risk due to the income of the oil received.

The most important part of long-term complications is that there are fluctuations and dents in the oil-receiving area. These fluctuations and dents are caused by excessive or irregular oil removal or poor skin elasticity.